Thursday, 12 December 2019

Our Sports Stars!


one of our 6th class  won the dublins   30kg wight on the 11th of the 12 th 2019
at age 11 he is 5 foot 1 in height and 30 kg he had 10 ounce gloves on he boxes with cobc or cherry orchard boxing club 3 nights a week and we hope to see him on tv in a few years time next he has the all Irelands coming up we wish him the best of luck his idle is luke keeler 

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

December in St. Gabriel's

It's that time of year again and we're all busy getting ready for Christmas. Our active focus for this month is the Active Advent Calendar. It is full of fun activities for the classes to do. It's definitely adding to the festive excitement in Senior Infants!

Up the Dubs!

We had such a brilliant day on Friday 6th December. The Sam Maguire arrived in our school! The whole school got to celebrate the huge 5 in a Row Achievement of our boys in blue! Everyone wore blue to show our support, Well done lads and here's to one more!!!!

Finishing our GoNoodle Challenge!

November is just over but we managed to finish our GoNoodle Challenge in Senior Infants! We had so much fun over the month singing & dancing.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

October Whole School PE

We had a great day today in the yard! Every single child & adult in our school were out exercising together. From circle games for junior infants to skipping with 2nd class and up to basketball with 6th everyone was busy being active. The sun shining really helped make it a fun half an hour for everyone. Well done teachers and students!!

5 minute fitness!

In September we celebrated National Fitness Week by all doing some 5 minute fitness together! The Active Team led us through different exercises and the whole school followed their lead! Well done Active Team!